Tuesday, 18 December 2012

3 years

Yesterday was a special day for me. It signified that Brandon and I had been dating for 3 years. It got me thinking about the journey we've been on the past 3+ years and how we fell in love. I remember my friends telling me for months and months before we started dating that I secretly liked him. I always denied having feelings for him and swore that "we would always just be best friends". After a year or more of being pushed around and used by my ex boyfriend, I finally started to realize that I maybe did have feelings for Brandon. After I let down my guard, things progressed pretty quickly.

December 17th, was my best friend in high schools birthday and it was also the date of a high school dance. Quinn (my best friend), Brandon, and I decided to skip the dance and head to Quinn's house to watch a movie. We watched a movie and then Brandon and I left to head home. In Quinn's drive way, Brandon finally asked me out, we shared our first kiss, and this is where our story officially began.

In the past 3 years, we have been through many ups and downs but our love has never faltered. The January after we started dating, my grandpa passed away. This was a very hard time for me and yet Brandon was right there beside me to comfort me. We graduated together, moved to Winnipeg together, started at different Universities, went through the death of my cousin together, recently went through the death of a close family friend together, and many other ups and downs. Brandon truly is my best friend.

Yesterday, we slept in until noon, had lunch together, picked up a beautiful flower bouquet that Brandon bought me, did some Christmas shopping, went out for supper at Mongo's, watched Sarah's soccer game, and then spent our night watching our favourite t.v shows. It was the perfect way to celebrate three years of love.

Us by our Christmas tree.

My beautiful flowers!

Brandon was getting sick of our photo shoot.
Us being silly! :)
 Here is to many more years of silliness and love.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Needing a change...

I just needed to get some feelings/thoughts of my chest. My blog is like a personal journal for me to document my life, the high and low points. Feel free to skip past this rant below...

Lately, I feel so ungrateful and I feel a large amount of pent up anger and hurt. I'm not positive where this anger/hurt/frustration has come from but it is making me in to a person that I am not proud of. It could stem from the stress that accompanied exams, from having so many car problems, from worrying over how much money I have for Christmas presents, or just cause I need to make some changes in my life. I mean, this past Friday was supposed to be a great day for me. I planned on acing my Human Phys exam and then doing a happy dance and enjoying my almost 3 weeks off. However, this plan has not worked out this far. Friday, I heard about the mass school shooting before walking into my exam and my heart dropped. Poor innocent children and loving teachers lost their lives that day and I felt so angry and terribly heartbroken. I then wrote my exam and walked out feeling defeated because I know I hadn't done as well as I would of liked. I got home and was grumpy and angry... I just wanted to sulk and lay on my bed all night. However, Sarah cheered me up a bit and then we headed to the mall to start Christmas shopping. I was still angry, but at least I wasn't sulking. Then today, I woke up feeling awful... runny nose, coughing, sore throat, pounding head and I knew this day would be doomed. Sure enough, I took out my "anger" on people who didn't deserve it... my boyfriend, other drivers, people in the mall. I was just annoyed and I didn't enjoy Christmas shopping even though I had been looking forward to it for so long.

Now sitting here and reflecting on my actions lately, I realize that I am being ungrateful and acting miserable when it's the happiest time of the year. I need to soak in every last minute of this short break from school and enjoy the holiday season. I need to say to myself "money is just money, everything always works out". I need to quit sulking and feeling sorry for myself because life isn't perfect but my life is pretty darn great. I have an awesome family, loving boyfriend, a handful of close friends, a house to sleep in, clothes to wear, food to eat. I know many people at this time of the year really feel the hit to their bank accounts and I need to just remember that Christmas is not about large, expensive presents. It's okay to make handmade gifts or buy presents on sale. It's okay to be grumpy and have bad days, but I need to wake up and realize how great my life really is. I plan on making a bunch of changes in my life and I hope to make 2013 and much more peaceful and relaxed year. For myself and for those I am surrounded by. Change is necessary.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Christmas Questions

I decided to answer some Christmas questions because it's always nice to reflect on traditions! Christmas is a huge time of year for my family and I am soooo excited that it is so close :) 

25 Christmas Questions
1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?
Hot Cocoa, preferably tea.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Always wrap. Unwrapping gifts is the best part!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
We usually hang a fake mistletoe over our couch.
5. When do you hang your decorations up?
Most years, the beginning of December. This year I haven't been home since the beginning of November so Mom did all of the decorating without us girls! I did decorate a bit around the house here though :)
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Honestly can't choose. I just love food in general!
7. Favorite holiday memory.
Soo many! I loved sharing a bed with my sister Christmas Eve (so Grandma could stay over), eating waffles with strawberry/rhubarb sauce Christmas morning, and scratching lotto tickets and playing games Christmas day!
8. What is on your Christmas wish list?
Not a whole lot. I would like an infinity scarf, crochet headband, mocassins, loose tea, books, workout dvds, colorful pants, and a purse.
9. Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve?
No not usually.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
We start with lights, beads, and garland. Followed by our ornaments (all from our childhood).

11. Snow? Love it or dread it?
Living in Manitoba, you have no choice. Always tons of snow at Christmas!
12. Real tree or fake tree?
Used to always do real when we were little, then we stopped for a few years. This year though, we are going back to real!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
There is no way I can pick a favourite. 

14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?
This is very obvious, spending time with my family. Also now that I am in University, it is important to unwind, relax, and de-stress.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Homemade chocolates!
16. What is your favorite tradition?
Already touched on this but waffles before presents, than opening stockings, scratching lotto tickets, playing board games, and usually watching a movie Christmas night!
17. What tops your tree?
Used to always be an angel that my sister made when she was little. That fell apart, so now I actually don't remember what we used last year!
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Definitely giving. I love planning out what I want to buy everyone and then searching for the perfect gift! Now that I am a poor student, I just don't like how expensive Christmas is but I plan on making some presents too :)
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I love all Christmas music!
20. Candy canes, yuck or yum?
Delicious! I usually eat way too many. I like peppermint and other fruity flavours too.
21. Favorite Christmas movie?
The Grinch, Elf, and Home Alone.
22. What do you leave for Santa?
Cookies/chocolates and milk!
23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Already mentioned!
24. Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?
The mall usually. This year I have gotten more into etsy and online shopping though!
25. Christmas letter or Christmas card?
Neither yet. Probably won't send out Christmas cards until I have kids!

Can't believe Christmas is only 10 days away!

Can't wait to get home to my farm!

Friday, 14 December 2012


I am officially on Christmas holidays!!

No words can describe how excited and relieved I feel right now. I have had a rough couple of weeks full of studying, thinking, stressing, and drinking too much wine (don't judge, the wine was definitely necessary). However now it is officially time to get into the Christmas spirit and relax for a couple of weeks without any stress or worries. This weekend I will be struggling to try and get my Christmas shopping done and then next week, I will head home to celebrate with my family. I am excited to make Christmas chocolates, wrap gifts, listen to Christmas music, decorate the tree, make homemade presents, see my family, and cuddle with my pets. Christmas truly is the best time of the year! So thankful for this break from school

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


So What Wednesday...

Believe me, I have a lot to say "so what" to this week. It's been a rough one...

- so what if I am currently updating my blog instead of studying.

- so what if I have always been against getting twitter. I would say "it's so pointless" or "it's just another social media fad", but now I really want a twitter!

- so what if my house is a pig stye. I mean super gross and unorganized! Dishes haven't been done in a few days, laundry hasn't been touched in a few weeks, etc. I will deal with it this weekend!

- so what if I keep procrastinating from studying by thinking up Christmas gift ideas or browsing blogs or finding DIY projects on pinterest. #examscansuckit (see I really want twitter)

-so what if Christmas is only 13 days away and I have yet to buy any gifts.

- so what if I am really broke, yet I want to pay someone to custom design my blog for me.

At this point, I really need a bottle glass of wine! Come on Friday, why do you have to come so slowly?

Mags & I. She's my little study buddy :)

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Surving Finals...

Notice how I didn't say "thriving during finals" or "kicking finals in the butt" because let's be honest, final exam time SUCKS! I have never experienced another time when I felt so stressed and overwhelmed and in my first year of university I didn't handle it well. It is now my 3rd year of university and over the past year or so, I have realized that it is extremely important to still look after yourself during finals.

In my 1st semester of uni, when finals rolled around in December I ended up getting the flu a whopping 4 times in that month alone along with a nasty head cold all while I had 5 exams in a 5 day time frame. I felt awful, couldn't get out of bed, had no motivation to study, just wanted to sleep all day, and I felt very depressed. Now looking back I realize it is because I didn't take good enough care of myself (ie. I stopped exercising, ate poorly, too stressed, lonely, etc). My sister Ashley and her boyfriend one night brought me a "care package" that had soup, medication, c.d's, gingerale, movies, cough candies, etc in it and my sister graciously reminded me that "you need to take care of yourself, it's important". Ever since then, it has definitely stuck. Oh older sisters are so wise!

Here are some things I do to try and reduce my stress and "survive" finals in a healthy way:

1. Take a bubble bath. The warm water will help reduce your stress and help you unwind. I also like taking my study notes into the bath and hanging out in their for a few hours while I study (this is a bite tougher when you live with others). Personally, it just helps me focus.

2. Have some light, calming music on in the background.

3. Take breaks. It is impossible to focus or cram info in to your brain every second of the day. Allow yourself 15-20 minute breaks to do something you enjoy!

4. Have a cup of tea, a peice of chocolate, or a few glass of wine!

5. It always helps me to take my class notes or textbook, and then write out the information again in a less cluttered and more comprehensions matter.  It helps to write the study notes in short form and only include the main points... usually profs don't ask for every single detail.

6. Use a whiteboard or chalkboard to quiz yourself. A friend suggested this to me last semester and I believe it really helped bump my mark up in anatomy. Simply ask yourself a question and then write down everything you can reminder on the whiteboard/chalkboard, before looking back on your notes.

7. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule. In my first year of uni, I tended to stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning which I wasn't used to. This really affected my body and I have now started going to bed at 10 or 11 (even before exams, it is important to have sleep in order to function properly while writing a test/exam).

8. BREATHE! It will be over before you know it. It is only a small snapshot of your life and one day you will look back and realize it really wasn't worth fretting over. It is important (atleast to me) to get good marks but definitely not worth stressing over and harming my health.

I received a postcard in the mail today from my sister who is in Europe (Switzerland right now) travelling and that is what spurred this post. She said "I know you are knee-deep in final papers, projects, and exams right now. It might now seem so fun at the moment but enjoy it, because honestly university goes by so quickly and it is really a wonderful time in your life". It was perfect timing and that is what I am going to keep telling myself until this Friday at 4:30. Thanks big sis!

Now I am off to have a cup of tea (I will save the wine for later) and to keep plugging away at studying.


Friday, 7 December 2012

Friday Letters...

Gingerbread train!
Christmas tree & cuddling kitties.

A little snowman action.

Decorations to make the basement more festive!

Just realized the star is leaning

Dear holidays, please hurry up and get here! Only 1 week left and I can barely contain my excitement! Dear boyfriend, I appreciate everything you do for me & I hope we get to hang out a bit this weekend in between work and studying. Dear Cleo, please refrain from indulging in Maggie's food in the middle of the night and then barfing it up at 6 in the morning. I have yet to fall back asleep since you woke me up! Dear bank account, you cause me way too much anxiety. I hope you can handle Christmas this year! Dear bed, get ready for me because once this blog post is published I am coming for ya. Time to get the few hours of sleep I missed this morning before studying! Dear weekend, I do love you. However, I have to spend all weekend studying so please go by quickly!


Thursday, 6 December 2012

I'm no longer greedy.

So my mom texted me yesterday asking what "big" present I wanted for Christmas this year. I messaged back and told her that I had no idea but that I would try to rack my brain over the next couple days. Last night, I browsed pinterest and even googled "awesome christmas gifts 2012" and I am still drawing a blank. I mean, overall this year, my Christmas list is very pitiful compared to other years. I mean in the past (especially high school), my list was huge and people never had a problem buying me gifts... I look back now and realize I was greedy. I was always wanting something new or better or something that all the kids at school would be amazed by and now, I felt content.

I know there are things that I would love for Christmas but they are smaller things than usual. I am okay with just getting a few small gifts this year because quite simply, I don't "need" many things. I am fortunate to be able to go out and buy things for myself (even though I am a poor student living off a student loan). People, if you can give me suggestions for things I may not be able to buy myself or just fail to purchase myself, fire away! I need some help. 

My list right now includes:

Infinity scarf. Any colour.

Cute headband

Preferably in teal, maroon, or purple.

Loose leaf tea. Any kind.

Workout dvds. Biggest loser or others!

Along with other things that always show up on my list like a new purse, workout equipment, nail polish, girly movies, books, jewelry, etc :)

Only 1 week left until I'm done finals and on Christmas break! :D

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The end is almost in sight

The title of this post is quite fitting. Exam period for me always makes it seem like time is moving soooo super slowly. I mean I feel like the days drag on and on and that I will never truly get to be done with exams, but eventually it does happen. I can't wait for next Friday at approximately 4 p.m. when I will be done with thinking, studying, preparing, cramming, and stressing over my exams! I will be FREE! Free to go Christmas shopping, to do nothing and not feel bad about it, to catch up on my favourite shows, to celebrate our 3 year anniversary, to finally go home for the holidays, and to drink copious amounts of alcohol (oh wait, I already do that). I have discovered that stress drives me to want to drink and I have never had very good self control, so drinking is what I have been doing. I have made a few trips to the Liquor Store in the past weeks and it is already time to stock up again... exams please end soon or I will need to attend AA meetings!

I wrote my first exam yesterday afternoon and I just got home from writing my 2nd exam. Now I have a week until my next exam to "prepare" so I hope I can stay focused and motivated. I have my Nutrition exam next Wednesday, followed by my Sport in the Ancient World (barf!) exam on Thursday, and then I have two Human Physiology exams next Friday. Tonight I am watching a show or two, having a Mike's Hard, and relaxing because I deserve it. Cheers to an end that is near but yet so far away!
This is definitely my motto. When in doubt, have a drink!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite holiday season tradition?
Christmas truly is a special time with my family. We have many traditions that include all being together to... put up the tree with ornaments we have collected over the years, making Christmas chocolates, making snow forts, eating waffles with strawberry rhubarb topping for Christmas breakfast, getting scratch tickets in our stocking and then scratching them together, and then playing board games all day Christmas. It'll be a little strange to do all of this stuff without my oldest sister Ashley this year, but we'll celebrate again when she's home in February :)
2. Do you have a certain holiday movie you watch more than others? If so what is it?
I really enjoy How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Elf. However, most Christmas movies are corny and festive, just how I like it!

3. Show us your favorite decoration or Pinterest decoration you wish you could have:
Adorable! Really anything owl would do :)
4. Favorite holiday song?
This is a tough one... I generally like all Christmas movie, so I can't really narrow this one down.

5. Favorite holiday dessert?
Homemade chocolates, peanut butter balls, shortbread, and almond bark.

6. What is on your wish list this year?
This year I have struggled to come up with a very long list but a few things include: a crocheted headband/toque, colourful pants (teal, burgundy, mustard, etc), mocassins, loose leaf tea, purse, wallet, perfume, nail polish, and new workout dvds/equipment. I am usually the easy one in my family to buy for cause I am not picky and have lots of interests.

Only 12 days until my Christmas break begins! :D