So... I have kind of failed at getting back in to blogging. I have been very busy and blogging has just not been a priority. However, I have been keeping up with my favourite blogs since I have a new phone (samsung galaxy). I have considered completely shutting down this blog since I just don't have the time nor the inspiration right now to post but I know that I would miss it. I hope at sometime I have some spare time to get back in to it but I won't promise anything.
Lately, I have been keeping busy with getting ready for my 4-H show that is June 23rd (usually 3-5 days per week), trying to spend as much time as possible with Brandon, working long & hard hours, and also trying to soak up the summer months in every possible way. June always seems to be fairly busy for me, so I am looking forward to being done with 4-H so I can just focus on enjoying everything summer has to offer. I believe that Brandon and I may be going to Countryfest June 27th-30th as well, so that is quickly approaching and very exciting!
What have you been up to lately?
How do you find time & inspiration to blog?
What would you like to see me blog about more (crafting, fitness, DIY, recipes, etc)?