I feel like this past week has been a weird one. I have been struggling to stay motivated with working out and with school. I have been grumpier and more restless than usual. Sometimes I feel like I juat need a break. To truly unwind and remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing. In the mean time, here's what I've been up to lately.
The Happiness Project and the Hunger Games books again. The happiness project has been a bit dull for me to be honest. It is a lot of theory and the whole concept is not very attainable but I will finish it. I'm wanted to reread the hunger games before I watched catching fire but that didn't happen.
Lately, I've honestly been pretty bored woth t.v. however I do faithfully watch the voice, hostages, heartland, and the biggest loser. I am missing some of the shows I watched in the city, like new girl and hart of dixie but I will just have to watch them all in a row :)
All of my time spent with Brandon. It really is sparse compared to what we're used to but that makes the time we do get together that much more special. I am dreaming of next year when we FINALLY live together again ♥
Can't get enough lemon, mint, & cucumber water and also wine and green tea. I went a few months without much wine but I felt like I needed it this week ;)
The end of this stupid anthro course, having all my weekends free in December and of course the Christmas season. I can't wait until my sister is home in the middle of December and my other sister closer to Christmas day. I really do cherish al our family traditions because I know eventually we will each have our own families to build memories with.
Tights, dresses, boots, scarves and big cozy sweaters whenever possible. I don't dress up for my job because I get dirty and dusty, so on days off I love dressing up. I could wear tights and boots forever and be happy I swear :)
Passenger- let her go
Hedley- anything
Pitbull- timber
Little big town- sober
Lady antebellum- compass
Thinking about
How I'm never satisfied with my hair. I'm constantly wanting to dye it or cut it. I enjoyed my blonde streaks for the summer but I'm really over it. Also my straight across bangs, need to take a hike for awhile. I think its time for brown hair with side bangs. I like to switch it up. I'm sure I will have light hair and straight across bangs again soon enough.
Well its 9:30 on Wednesday evening and I am soooo ready for bed. Time to read and then hit the hay.
Happy hump day everyone! ;)