Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I feel like this past week has been a weird one. I have been struggling to stay motivated with working out and with school. I have been grumpier and more restless than usual. Sometimes I feel like I juat need a break. To truly unwind and remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing. In the mean time, here's what I've been up to lately.

The Happiness Project and the Hunger Games books again. The happiness project has been a bit dull for me to be honest. It is a lot of theory and the whole concept is not very attainable but I will finish it. I'm wanted to reread the hunger games before I watched catching fire but that didn't happen.

Lately, I've honestly been pretty bored woth t.v. however I do faithfully watch the voice, hostages, heartland, and the biggest loser. I am missing some of the shows I watched in the city, like new girl and hart of dixie but I will just have to watch them all in a row :)

All of my time spent with Brandon. It really is sparse compared to what we're used to but that makes the time we do get together that much more special. I am dreaming of next year when we FINALLY live together again ♥

Can't get enough lemon, mint, & cucumber water and also wine and green tea. I went a few months without much wine but I felt like I needed it this week ;)

The end of this stupid anthro course, having all my weekends free in December and of course the Christmas season. I can't wait until my sister is home in the middle of December and my other sister closer to Christmas day. I really do cherish al our family traditions because I know eventually we will each have our own families to build memories with.

Tights, dresses, boots, scarves and big cozy sweaters whenever possible. I don't dress up for my job because I get dirty and dusty, so on days off I love dressing up. I could wear tights and boots forever and be happy I swear :)

Passenger- let her go
Hedley- anything
Pitbull- timber
Little big town- sober
Lady antebellum- compass

Thinking about
How I'm never satisfied with my hair. I'm constantly wanting to dye it or cut it. I enjoyed my blonde streaks for the summer but I'm really over it. Also my straight across bangs, need to take a hike for awhile. I think its time for brown hair with side bangs. I like to switch it up. I'm sure I will have light hair and straight across bangs again soon enough.

Well its 9:30 on Wednesday evening and I am soooo ready for bed. Time to read and then hit the hay.

Happy hump day everyone!  ;)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

I believe in...

I believe in sleeping in on weekends.

I believe in the beauty of the first snowfall, the changing of the leaves, the intensity of the summer sun, and the freshness of spring.

I believe that animal cuddles have the potential to make any bad day better.

I believe in reflecting on the past often and realizing just how far you’ve come.

I believe in always striving to be a better person.

I believe in the power of a good sweat session.

I believe in spending as much time with family as possible.

My family is crazy & I wouldn't have it any other way :)

I believe in traditions. Like making Christmas chocolates or having waffles every Christmas morning.

I believe that there are wonderful things in my future.

I believe in a nice warm, delicious cup of coffee to start the day off right.

I believe in the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

I believe that there is nothing better than spending time with friends.

I believe that treats are even more delicious when they are enjoyed in moderation.

I believe that being a kind, generous person pays off in the end.

I believe that hard work and dedication is worthwhile. Life is tough but giving up is not an option.

I believe in spending time with your significant other. Whether it be a date night or a night in!
An old picture of us that I still love :)

I believe that summer is the best season of the year.

I believe that salty, buttery popcorn is essential when going to the movies.

I believe in Christmas. Decorating, celebrating, and going all out. It is a magical time!

I believe in fresh beginnings and always living each day like it could be your last.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Taking time to reflect

Lately, I have been feeling a lot better about myself. Throughout my 3 years in university,  I had many extreme highs and lows. I had never faced so much stress in my life before. Sometimes I was so stressed,  I know I was an awful person to be around. I have a bad temper and I hate when I'm not in control of things happening in my life. I knew I needed to change my attitude and get a more optimistic outlook on life. I felt like this year "break" from being a full time student was very much needed or I knew that I would lose my cool. I have been striving to look at all situations in a more positive light and to think before I speak and react to bad situations. I know that if I don't get enough sleep or miss too many days of working out that I will be miserable. I try to pay closer attention to what my body and mind are telling me I need. I'm trying to control my temper better and I'm trying to really soak up every day off this "off season" in my life.

Speaking of soaking up all the little moments, here are some pictures of my walk with Missy the other day. So beautiful and calming :)

Monday, 11 November 2013

Being the "best me"

Lately, I have definitely been struggling and I've certainly not been the best me possible. I'm busy and easily overwhelmed. I hate when things don't go my way (don't we all?). I have been consistently late to everything lately,  whether it's work or class or visits with friends. I have been struggling to manage my time effectively and in turn its making me a miserable, awful person. More times than I care to admit, I have yelled at Brandon or called him names or told him to shut up. I feel terrible. On Saturday,  I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was grumpy as soon as my eyes opened. I was upset that I had to bake and didn't have time to workout. I was not a pleasant person to be around. I have always had anger problems but today it dawned on me. Some things in life are inevitable. Some days its not possible to fit in everything you wish to do. Fretting over it and being grumpy and unreasonable is not acceptable. I want to try and be a better girlfriend,  daughter, friend, sister, and person. In order to keep myself accountable I made a list of things that I can do in order to be a nicer and happier person.

Things to help me keep calm & happy:
  ◇ turn on some upbeat and uplifting music daily and dance, sing and enjoy yourself.
  ◇ put on your workout clothes and shoes and get moving. Whether its for 10 minutes or 40 minutes, it is valuable and you will feel much much better.
  ◇ think of others before yourself. Buy someone elses coffee at starbucks, hold a door for someone, send random happy mail to friends and family. It could help make someone's day that much brighter.
  STOP what you're doing for 5 minutes a meditate. Calm your brain and feel grounded again. Deep breathes and silence will do great things.
  next time you're about to complain, think befote you do. Complaining is a waste of time and energy. Sometimes life sucks and days are hard to get through but a positive attitude will always help.
  cuddle maggie, jinx or missy and feel loved. Pets will love you unconditionally and its important to soak up those moments while they last.
  clean or organize, it will help things to be less chaotic and more relaxed.
  put down your phone and stay off social media whether ir be for an hour or a whole day. Life does go on without it and there are so many others things in life that are just waiting to be enjoyed.
  make more time for things you enjoy. Some things that come time mind are baking, cooking, crafting, reading, and having a bubble bath.

It is important to keep In mind that we all make mistakes and have bad days.  Own it, aplogize to those you hurt and move on. Tomorrow is a brand new day, make it the best day possible. Make time to enjoy yourself and all those people who you love!