I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of January, that blows my mind. This month I have been very busy working away and saving money. This week for example, I am working 6 days. It's good for my bank account but it just drains me of all my energy. Even though I've been working lots, I have been keeping up with exercising and eating semi healthy.
I thought I would make some small February goals in order to keep myself accountable this month.
1. Exercise 5 days a week. Every week. Even if I work lots or am tired or lazy, I must make myself.
2. Drink 100 oz of water everyday. It gives me energy and prevents me from feeling achy and sluggish.
3. Read a book or my Kobo before bed instead of aimlessly browsing instagram, fb, twitter, and pinterest. I spend way too much time on my phone and reading helps put me to sleep.
4. Do 5 small random acts of kindness. Some things I have in mind are paying someone's coffee, leaving money at a vending machine, writing notes of encouragement to post, etc.
5. Leave my house 5-10 minutes earlier each morning. I've gotten into the bad habit of being late to work (my bosses dont care, but I do!). So I will vow to wake up when my alarm goes off and get going earlier.
Im determined to make February a great month. I love focusing on my health and well-being and I feel a lot better about myself when I'm active and eating well. I never weigh myself and I dont really care if I lose weight. However my pants are fitting looser and my body is feeling stronger, so I am very happy! :)
Happy February (tomorrow) everyone! :)