Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Finding Contentment

Keep trying. Be believing. Be happy. Don’t get discouraged. Everything will work out.Over the past year, everything in my life has been kind of up in the air. It took me a long time to transition from being a full time student into being a full time employee and now finally a part time employee. This past year has been odd for me and hard for me to ever get adjusted. However, when I decided to live at home for this past year, I knew I wanted to get my health back in order.
Throughout university, it was tremendously hard to find time to get all my school and volunteer work done, nevermind exercise. Occasionally I would workout with Sarah or go for a jog (fall and spring) but was never consistent. My body image and self esteem quickly plummeted. I feel jiggly, unfit, and generally unhappy when I looked in the mirror. I let the pounds creep on and it quickly started to effect me mentally.
Considering how much I have struggled with my weight and self esteem throughout my life, I knew I had to make my health a priority again. For the first month, I hated exercising and I would dread it all day. But I made myself do it and stick with it even when I had no desire. I always felt SO good after I worked out. I quickly sensed my body changing,  getting stronger and fitter. My mental state rapidly changed as well. I can finally look in the mirror and feel proud and much more fit.
I have only lost 5 lbs since I began this journey last fall but I have also gained a lot of muscle. My main goal isn't to be super skinny but rather to be fit, strong, happy, and healthy. To push my body to its limits, to keep improving and challenging myself, and to always do my best. I am a much happier and more positive person when I have my health in check. When I focus on nourishing and caring for my body.
Some days I get frustrated and wish that I could drop more weight or workout longer or burn more calories. I have to keep reminding myself that this is MY journey and it will be a lot different from other peoples. My metabolism is slow, therefore it makes it a lot harder for me to lose weight and I have to make sure my diet is always on point. However, I am making time for exercise and I am focusing more on what I put into my body and that's all that matters.
 Im writing this to remind myself (and you!) that no one is perfect. All we can do is choose to love ourselves enough to allow for failure to happen and have the determination to get right back up and keep on pushing through. The rewards are much greater than the risks, stay focused and committed. Be content and satisfied with who you are and always be the best you possible every single day.
Happy hump day everyone! ;)

Monday, 10 March 2014

Weekends are meant for...

Once again, it's Monday. Another weekend has come and gone way too quickly for my liking and a fresh week is upon us. I must admit that this past weekend was a pretty great one for me. I love weekends with a good mixture of plans and relaxing.
On Friday, my oldest sister Ashley (hi Ash!) came home for the weekend. She arrived Friday evening around 6 and we had a belated birthday supper for her. My Grandma Cook came out to the farm for supper and Brandon was here once he was off work. We had steak, baked potatoes, mushrooms, salad, and angel food cake for dessert. It was delicious! We then just hung out and visited since mom had to go to bed early since she worked Saturday morning.

On Saturday, Brandon and I were up and out of the house by 8:30. We were on the road to Winnipeg to see a Jets vs. Sens game. Brandon is a diehard Sens fan and was super excited to see his team play (even if we were cheering for the visiting team). All the way to Winnipeg, he had a huge smile plastered across his face and I'm pretty sure he loved every minute of the game. It was a lot of fun, other than getting booed at when I walked down the hall to the bathroom ha! After the game, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then were on the road home again. We wanted to get home in good time so we could play some games and have drinks with my family when we got home. My family LOVES playing board games! We played games (and I drank 3/4's of a bottle of wine, oops!) and then we headed to bed. 
There you go babe, your picture is on the blog ;)
On Sunday, we had waffles with strawberries for breakfast and then headed out for a walk since it was +3 finally! In Manitoba, winter has been crazy cold and snowy this year since December. To say that I am excited for spring and summer would be an understatement. After our walk, my sister packed up and headed back to Winnipeg. I had a quick nap, did a workout, and headed in to Brandon's house for supper. We went over to his grandparents to help them shovel out their pathway and their patio. They were so appreciative and we stayed around for supper and to watch a bit of curling. They really enjoy having company and I am always glad to spend quality time with family!
This week, I am working Wednesday and Friday and I am job shadowing an occupational therapist in Brandon on Thursday. Otherwise, I am busy purging a bunch of my stuff that I don't use or need and I hope to tackle some of my crafting ideas I have pinned on Pinterest! Now I'm off to workout and snuggle this little cutie some more :)
Have a great Monday & week everyone! :)

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Glorification of Busy

Lately, I have been struggling. To keep sane over the next couple months while I wait for answers on my schooling and also since I am only working 2 days a week. I feel like people these days are so focused on filling up there schedules to the max that everyone is in a constant frenzied, rushed state. I am guilty of this as well. In high school it was rugby, 4-H, and time spent with friends. During university, it was copious amounts of school work and studying mixed with volunteering as much as possible. Now during this "in between" phase, where I unexpectedly have a couple months with a very free schedule, I am at a loss of what to do with all of my spare time.

At first, I felt really frustrated and depressed. I am someone who likes to keep busy and focused on a goal. Brandon often tells me that I am too rigid and stick to plans way too much. He begs me to be someone who goes with the flow more and just enjoys the moment. Its a fair complaint really. I like having plans, whether it be a plan for what I'm doing each day or a big plan for my future. I have mentioned to him that I dont not want to think of marriage, buying a home, or starting a family until I'm done school. I guess, I have always had a plan set out for myself. I always kind of pictured my life a certain way and it scares me to stray from that grand plan.

Essentially, I am always so busy planning my life that I forgot to really live it.

It does suck that I am in limbo right now. I would like to be working lots while I can and before I go back to school. But its okay to slow down once in awhile and just live. For example, this morning I slept in until 8:30, woke up and made myself a nice breakfast, cleaned and organized my room,  did laundry, and cuddled with my pets. This afternoon I plan on working out, going for a walk in this winter wonderland with missy, and having a relaxing bubble bath. I am not sitting around watching endless hours of t.v. or sleeping all day. I am getting things done I have wanted to do for awhile and I am focusing on being my happiest, healthiest self.

I hope from now on I can be more content with being spontaneous and just letting life happen like it is supposed to. Everything has a way of working itself out.