So it's been awhile since I have consistently posted on here, however lately I have felt the urge to write, so here I am. I stopped posting so often because I started a desk job where I am on the computer for 8+ hours most days and when I get home, the last thing I wanna do is go on the computer. However I really do enjoy looking back on old posts and remembering memories or events that I would of otherwise forgot. I'm not sure how consistent I will post but I am hoping it will become more consistent again :)
reading: I just finished a book that I started back in January, how embarrassing! However, one of my goals for 2015 is to read more... so I better get my butt in gear.
eating: leftover veggie stir fry. yummy!
loving: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (in month 2), pineapple dipped in melted dark chocolate & kitty cuddles (what else is new hehe).
watching: Heartland! I apparently missed the memo that a new season started back in the fall, therefore I have a whole season to catch up on :)
looking forward to: short term- feeling better & enjoying the rest of the 4 day weekend. long term- getting certified as a personal trainer/fitness instructor & starting my new job!
thinking about: whether or not my car will stay running long enough to get me to Winnipeg tomorrow and whether my cats & sickness will let me sleep tonight
Anyways, I'm off to watch a few more episodes of Heartland and then hit the hay.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend! :)