So once again, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Life has been quite busy lately and it feels like I haven't had a spare minute to sit down and type out this post. I have however been keeping a journal of what we've been eating and how we've been feeling so far on the Whole30. We are currently on Day 12, so almost half way there. Yahoo!
We are still trying to get into the groove of things and I won't sugar coat it and say it's been easy. There have been a couple times when I just wanted to quit and dive head first into a mountain of chocolate. There has been some confusion about what is or isn't acceptable and it has definitely been a struggle adopting the over Whole30 mindset. Brandon and I have always been snackers. Before Whole30, I would eat breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, and often times a snack in the evening too. On Whole30, you are only supposed to eat 3 meals a day. Big meals but still only 3 meals. This has been challenging for sure and I often find it hard to eat enough at my meals to tide me over. It's also been hard figuring out the balance of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats in order to satiate me well. I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it in week 2, so we shall see!
Overall, I have been feeling pretty good. On day 2 I woke up and I honestly felt like I had drank 3 bottles of wine the night before. I felt groggy, head was pounding, and I had zero appetite. Thankfully that quickly passed and other than a few headaches and yucky feelings, I am slowly feeling better. My sister promises me that around or after day 15, we will start to feel the "magic" or the "tiger blood" of whole30, so I am anxiously awaiting this.
Before Whole30, I was working out 6 days per week at a moderate to intense pace. In the first week of whole30, my energy was pretty non-existent. I think I worked out 2 days total and otherwise at night I vegged on the couch or snuck to bed early. Thankfully my energy is slowly coming back. I miss my workouts and I need to get back into the gym groove!
Week 1 Breakfasts
Most breakfasts this week looked pretty similar. A combination of eggs, hash browns, avocado, and fruit. I quickly realized my breakfasts need a bit more substance so thankfully we found compliant bacon and sausage this past weekend. This is almost impossible in Canada, FYI, so I am very excited! I must admit I am missing some typical breakfast foods such as cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, and bread. It's funny because I didn't eat these foods that often before whole30. Also, we started having frozen berries/fruit with coconut cream which is amazing and fills the sweetness void.
Week 1 Lunches
I made a huge batch of cabbage stew on Sunday which lasted until Wednesday. To be honest, I got very sick of it and had to force myself to eat it come Wednesday. Brandon made butternut squash and carrot soup on Wednesday which we ate Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday we ate leftovers. Apparently I didn't take many pictures of my lunches, so this one photo will have to do lol. We also found apple chips at Costco and they provide just that little bit of crunch whenever needed :)
Butternut squash & carrot soup, chicken salad, apple chips & a banana |
Week 2 Suppers
We ate burgers on a lettuce bun and baked potato wedges on Monday. Tuesday we had chicken drumsticks,plantain chips with guacamole, and cucumber.tomato/blueberry salad. Wednesday we had Pecan Apple salad with avocado/dill dressing.Thursday was beef roast with potatoes and carrots. Friday was leftover roast over a baked sweet potato. Saturday was leftovers. Sunday was Valentine's Day and Brandon made me a delicious steak supper with shrimp, asparagus, baked potato wedges, and mushrooms/onions, it was amazing!
Burger in a lettuce bun with baked wedges |
Chicken drumsticks, plantain chips, guac & veggies, and tomato/blueberry sald |
Pecan apple chicken salad. So yuimmy! |
Slower cooker roast with potatoes and carrots |
My sister finally showed us how to use our spiralizer! |
Steak dinner for Valentine's day! :) |
On Sunday we didn't pre-plan when we knew we'd be out most of the day in Winnipeg. We let ourselves get too hungry and we didn't know where to go for a compliant lunch so we picked up larabars and had carrots dipped in guac. Not the best on our part but at least we didn't give in to fast food!
There have been a couple life savers for us on Whole30. Instead of our nightly snacks which we were used to prior to Whole30, we have been making delicious tea to sip on while watching t.v. instead. Celestial Seasonings has a few teas that are compliant and they are delicious. We love the Bengal Spice and Sugar Plum Spice and I've also been enjoying lots of mint green tea as well! :) As well, like I mentioned before we both really like berries&coconut cream, we've tried a few larabars (coconut cream is my favourite!), and on the weekends we both enjoy coffee with coconut cream & a dash of cinnamon.
I think that's a wrap on our first week! It's hard to believe we're almost on week 3 now... sometimes it seems like time is flying and other times I can't believe we still have 18 days left haha.
Would you ever consider doing a Whole30?
Do you have any tips or suggestions for our last 2 weeks?
Hope you have a lovely weekend! :)