So sometimes, life is like a roller coaster! This past month has been full of ups and downs for sure. Days where I was so miserable and stressed and ready to give up completely. Then the next day would be wonderful and exciting and better than I could imagine. So now, I will tell the story of how Brandon and I decided that we should buy a house on a whim and how I think it was the best decision ever.
Ever since my summer job finished, I had been scrambling to find a job in Winnipeg, I sent out probably 50 applications, had 2 interviews, and felt quite hopeless. Then one day, Brandon comes home from work and randomly declares that he wants to look into getting a pre-approval for a mortgage. To be honest, we hadn't talked much about it before that point. But on a whim, I decided we could go to the bank and see what they say. We really didn't know what they would say since I am currently unemployed. So when the mortgage specialist looked at us and told us "you qualify for $130,000 mortgage currently". We were shocked and so excited! The next few days were a whirlwind. We got pre-approved on a Thursday, we called a real estate agent on Friday, and then went and saw 6 house on Saturday. Brandon's parents came with us on Saturday and we ended up falling in love with one of the houses. I didn't want to commit without my parents approval, so my mom came and looked at the house on Monday. We put in an offer at 7:00 p.m. Monday evening and by before 8 p.m., the seller accepted our offer and we were officially homeowners!!
It is pretty surreal to me still. I am someone who likes to plan out my life and I rarely ever do anything spontaneously. Except apparently, buying a house! It is the cutest little house with a deck, large yard (veggie and flower gardens galore), 2 bedrooms, original hardwood floors, soaker tub, and perfect yellow painted walls. I am in love and SO excited to move in the middle of October!! Thankfully, one of my best friends Jenna and Ed are going to take over our apartment contract which is amazing. So now, I just need to focus on getting a job in Portage.
I am beyond excited about this next chapter of our life! A brand new beginning for our little family :)
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